My action is not like Salman or Ajay''s: John Abraham

Bollywood heroes are getting back into 'action' with vengeance. Just when all heroes irrespective of age or experience were turning to comedy and romance, came Aamir with Ghajini. He showed his eight packs to the world and resurrected the 'action hero role' in Bollywood. If Aamir resurrected action, Salman Khan made the stunts stylish in 'Wanted'. He then donned the Khaki in Dabangg only to inspire the rest to get into the uniform.

My action is not like Salman or Ajay's: John Abraham

Ajay Devgn did the same in Singham and now you have John Abraham playing the cop in 'Force'. John essays the role of a tough narcotics officer, who ensures justice is served in Vipul Shah's 'Force'.

Athough John claims his role is nothing like Salman or Ajay's. "Salman Khan and Ajay Devgn have been doing action but when you see " Force" you will know what action I am talking about. It is real action, simply amazing. My action director Allan Amin said, he has not shot this kind of action in the past 27 years of his career" clarified John.

"I feel there is space vacant for the new action hero. Younger heroes are more into romcoms, seniors are more into comedies and other stuff. I want to occupy the space of action hero. I want to be known as the last action hero of Bollywood" adds John.

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