Neetu Kapoor bonds with Nargis Fakri

Ranbir Kapoor's birthday bash was quite the event with all his former love interests Priyanka Chopra, Nargis Fakri and Deepika Padukone attending the party. However, the highlight of the night was mommy Neetu Kapoor bonding with the Rockstar leading lady Nargis.While Neetu was cordial with PC and Deepika, she was extra friendly and affectionate towards Fakhri, with whom she hung out till the end.

Neetu Kapoor bonds with Nargis Fakri

A source squeals, "Nargis got the warmest welcome of all the girls at the party. In fact, Neetu was by her side the whole time, making sure she was comfortable and at home." The khabru also reveals that after Deepika exchanged hellos with RK, she preferred to hang with director Ayan Mukherji all night.

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