I want a dog treadmill: Udita Goswami

Udita Goswami wants luxuries for pets I like the idea of instant messaging from my phone, and surf the internet whenever, and wherever I am. Thus, my smart phone's my constant companion. I like it that I can constantly be in touch with my friends and promptly respond to all my emails through my cell phone. Even as I kid, I always liked the idea of owning a 'personal' telephone. Whenever the phone would ring, I'd run to pick it up. I loved chatting on the phone with school friends too.

I did own one gadget, too. It was a videogame my father gave me on one of my birthdays. I remember waiting for him all day and looking up at every plane that flew over my house, as daddy was coming from another city with my video game. Well that's a different story that my brother later robbed it from me.

Gadgets I wish existed...
I think there should be a dog treadmill. I know it sounds ridiculous, but there's no space for animals to run in the city. Parks, already limited in number, are mainly for humans. Dogs need to exercise or they develop medical complications later. So, a dog treadmill at home would be perfect for my three dogs to exercise and be fit.
And I would love to have a gadget that would translate every thing animals say. What a revolution that would be! For once we can forget about human luxury inventions and do something for living beings that can't talk us. As told to Saadia S Dhailey

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