Ali Zafar to make it special for Katrina Kaif

Actress Katrina Kaif may be seen sizzling in a music video. Yes, Ali Zafar's. But the singer is planning to make it special for the actress. Apparently, Ali Zafar had planned to come out with an album and had discussed his plans with actress Katrina Kaif while they were shooting for 'Mere Brother Ki Dulhan'. Katrina was keen that the movie do well, and told Ali Zafar that if 'Mere Brother Ki Dulhan' lands up being a box office hit, she will feature in his music video.

Ali Zafar to make it special for Katrina Kaif

Excited about the whole deal, Ali Zafar was more than confident that the film would do well. He is heard to have claimed that now that it has indeed made some money at the box office, Kat may have to keep her word and feature in his music video after all.

So after her stint as Sheila, and those few seconds in Bodyguard, Kat may be shaking her booty all over again! But this one is going to be even more special, claims Ali Zafar.

Ali is planning to compose a song especially for Katrina Kaif. "We will work on it together - the music and even how she wants to be stylized and the whole look of the music video," he said. "Of course, there is no compulsion that she has to do the music video. It'll just be nice to work together again. Let's see how it works out," he said.

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