I''m not single: Genelia D''Souza

She's been visiting Delhi on and off for the past six months, but it's after almost a year and half that Genelia D'Souza came to the city to promote a Bollywood release. Talking about her fascination for the city, she said, "I've been spending a lot of time up north, shooting here.

I'm not single: Genelia D'Souza

And most of the routes pass through Delhi, so I have been visiting the capital a lot. I've stayed here all this while, and for me, Delhi is a beautiful city. But when the traffic starts, it's like Mumbai. It is one of them most majestic cities I have been to. Back home, everything is much smaller. But this whole openness is the beauty of Delhi, which I enjoy. And I like the food in Delhi."

As the conversation steers from her likes to her dislikes, especially with respect to her personal relationships, Genelia tells us that she doesn't like using her personal relationships for building her own brand. She says, "There's nothing derogatory or defamatory written about me and it's because I have maintained my relationships in a certain way. A lot of people who know me, know I probably talk off record about my personal life. But I don't use my relationship for selling brand me, so why come to a place where you need to clarify." But ask her about the relationship itself, and quips the actress, "I am not single, but I am not dating. So, take your pick!"

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