Deepika Padukone warms up to Ranbir Kapoor

Actress Deepika Padukone seems to have warmed up to ex-beau Ranbir Kapoor. How can we tell? Well, the actress did show up at a surprise birthday bash thrown for Ranbir Kapoor by his friends, recently.While most were expecting that Deepika Padukone would refrain from attending the do altogether, the long-legged lass walked in with much poise giving rise to a jaw-dropping reaction from all those present.

Deepika Padukone warms up to Ranbir Kapoor

We hear that Deepika took this bold step because Ranbir and she are doing a movie together, and someone needs to break the ice! It's important for on-screen chemistry, you see.

A friend of Deepika's says, "I'm not surprised. Deepika has moved on. So has Ranbir. If she did attend Ranbir's bash, hat's off to her. She did the right and mature thing!" Another source informs that Deepika did politely ask Siddharth if she should attend this one, and the Mallay boy was only most encouraging.

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