Recently, there have been rumours doing the round that actress Shilpa Shetty is not too happy with the spoof done on her song UP, Bihar, lootne, in Ekta Kapoor’s next sex comedy Kya Super Kool Hain Hum. The film, which has a lot of spoofs on many other films, features a song which emulates the actress’s famous item number.
The source continues, “Though the song Hum hai cappuccino is a spoof on Shilpa’s dance number from the film Shool (1999), it is pretty different than the original song. And Shilpa believes that it is quite tastefully done. Also, she is busy now taking care of her baby boy, so she has no time for getting miffed with simple things like this.”
Actors Tusshar Kapoor along with his co-star Riteish Deshmukh have done the item number. The duo shot for almost 12 hours in the night and has kept it as raunchy as possible, in keeping with the overall theme of the film.
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