Shazahn Padamsee''s beauty mantra at 17

Like any other teenager at 17, I too was going through an acne phase. Even though I have inherited good skin from my mother my pimples refused to fade away!
Shazahn Padamsee's beauty mantra at 17
y mom instructed me to start my day with a glass of warm water, honey and lemon with good 2-3 litres of water throughout the day. I still follow this routine till date and has helped me a lot. Unlike my friends, who were busy trying out a lot of things on their skin, I preferred going natural. I used a special sandalwood pack for my face for which I had to go all the way to Dadar to get a stick of Sandalwood. In summers, to tackle my tan I used yogurt, lemon and haldi. For my hair, I put a mixture of eggs, pepper and lime and do it till date for that extra bounce and shine. Coconut water was my all time favourite in the summer months which kept my skin hydrated all day long.

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