Poonam Pandey rejects Bigg Boss offer?

Poonam Pandey rejects Bigg Boss offerThe Big suspense is finally over and the 14 names that will fight it out in the Bigg Boss house are out. Actor Shakti Kapoor has to survive 13 female contenders in the biggest reality show in the country.

But contrary to belief, one name that was slotted as a hot favourite to be in the house is missing from the telly frame. That name belongs to actor Poonam Pandey.

The rumour mill was abuzz with talk of a Rs 2 crore-offer to Poonam to be in the house, and show off her assets. However, Poonam kept refuting the claims that she was part of the Big Boss cast. In fact, in an interview to a tabloid she had said that the production house never approached her with an offer. It was just the grapevine that was circulating the huge offer and using her name to make the show popular.

A source close to Poonam revealed that the leggy lass was not to keen on putting her work assignments on hold for the tenure in the house. Piled with movie offers, and assignments, Poonam was finding it really hard to adjust her schedule to fit in the days required for Big Boss.

The source adds that money was never a draw for the show, and that had it not been for her tight work schedule, Poonam may have considered participating in the show.

The launch of her website www.poonampandey.co.in is due in two weeks, and the actor wanted to be there for her fans for the big launch. The website promises her fans exclusive access to Poonam's life. A sneak into her bedroom and a special peek at her closet as well.

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