I respect Salman but don''t desire him - Asin

“I never saw him in that light. For me he was somebody who I looked up to in a very respectful way, somebody that I admired. He is very attractive but that’s not the way I saw or looked up to him as … so that never really crossed my mind … of desiring him,” said Asin, who will grace Simi Garewal’s show “India’s Most Desirable” this Sunday. “I really never thought of resisting him,” she added. The 25-year-old admitted she feels lucky to have worked with bigwigs of Bollywood like Aamir Khan in “Ghajini” and Salman.
I respect Salman but don't desire him Asin
Asin recalled that the “Dabangg” actor made her eat a bug during the making of “Ready”. “Salman actually challenged me to eat a bug that he along with the crew had collected from a nearby jungle in Bangkok. They eat these creatures there. So he held it in his hand and asked me to eat it,” she said. “And I am not the one to shy away from challenges. I ate it rather swallow it. Salman thought that I would yell, scream, throw a fit or get freaked out but I didn’t. Instead, I ate it. So he didn’t really get the reaction he expected,” the actress added.

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