Abhishek Bachchan says that comedy is the most difficult genre

Abhishek Bachchan says that comedy is the most difficult genre : While most of the actors feel that comedy is one of the most difficult genres to perform, actor Abhishek Bachchan echoes the same sentiment.

Abhishek Bachchan says that comedy is the most difficult genre

The actor, who is shooting in Jaipur for Rohit Shetty's 'Bol Bachchan' which is a comedy film, feels that unlike romantic and thriller movies, comedy is the most difficult genre to perform. "Last day of the schedule of 'Bol Bachchan'. It's been a long, difficult but most enjoyable shoot. Have always said that comedy is the most difficult genre to perform," informs the actor, adding, "Bol Bachchan surely proved that!! It's always a great learning experience when you get the opportunity."

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