Tere Mere Phere: Movie Review

'I can't stand hysterical woman', shouts the hero. 'I can't stand arrogant men', screams the heroine. Sadly realization strikes the lead couple pretty late in the film. The viewer cannot stand their sight or sound after the first ten minutes and lose hope much early in the film.

Tere Mere Phere: Movie Review

If there was ever an award for the most cacophonous couple ever, the screechy Sasha Goradia and the whining Jagrat Desai would undoubtedly win the title. The duo scream, shout, yell, yelp, moan, groan, grumble (add all possible noisy synonyms) to an extent that they could give the torchbearers of loud slapstick cinema (like Priyadarshan, Anees Bazmee) a run for their money.

Rahul (Jagrat Desai) and Pooja (Sasha Goradia) are on their Himalayan honeymoon in a travel trailer. Imagine a romantic getaway in a self-driven caravan? And by no means is this a road movie! Tere Mere Phere is a wannabe attempt on the lines of 'Vinay Pathak brand' films like Chalo Dilli or Bheja Fry 2 about an incidental journey between two strangers, their contrasting chemistry and Pathak's co-passenger being victimized by his eccentricities. Just this time, it's Vinay Pathak who is at the receiving end and the contrasting chemistry is between the married couple.

Three days since their marriage, Rahul and Pooja are at loggerheads. Jai (Vinay Pathak) is aboard their caravan in a desperate attempt to reach ladylove Muskaan (Riya Sen) before she gets married off to someone else. But Rahul and Pooja's constant bickering gets so irritating (literally) that you don't blame Jai in losing faith in the institution of marriage by the climax.

The gist of the film comes from the theory that 'men are from Mars and women are from Venus'. And so focused is the film towards its central idea that it has nothing else on show but the constant clashes between the couple. The basic flaw of the film is that it attempts to discuss a lifetime of men-woman compatibility issues merely through the course of their week-long honeymoon. Clearly it bites off more than it can chew. So their quarrels are exaggerated to the extent that it irritates you incessantly.

It's certainly not a flying start for the film, as things go terribly wrong in the very first scene, where commotion ensues on an aircraft as if it were a fish market. Hereon there's no looking back. Actor-turned-director Deepa Sahi gets the grammar of slapstick filmmaking accurate, ensuring decibel levels never go down and pandemonium persists. The consistently amateurish and deafening performances of both Sasha Goradia and Jagrat Desai only add to your trauma. Jagrat Desai also doubles up as the co-writer with Deepa Sahi to ascertain that the script is as much dull, dreary and dreadful.

The comic timing of the entire film is out-of-sync and every joke falls flat on its face. Weird as it may sound, the couple bond over common hangovers, are sexually stimulated by breaking chinaware and their verbal mudslinging turns literal by the climax. Vinay Pathak seems to be on a head-banging spree. Moreover the film runs rampant in its final reels, turning into an endless exercise. Even the tranquility of the scenic Himalayan backdrop won't help you make peace with this chaotic cinema.

Enough has been spoken about Jagrat Desai and Sasha Goradia (though not as much as they jabber in the film). Vinay Pathak has been overdoing his underplayed act. The best that Sushmita Mukherjee does is gorge on rasgullas . Co-producer Anup Jalota can't resist a (dismal) cameo. Rohan Shah irritates. Thankfully Riya Sen is in a special appearance!

Tere Mere Phere makes for a perfect anti-date film. Watch it if you dare a date with distress!

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