Open to item numbers, says Zarine Khan

"Veer" fame actress Zarine Khan is open to doing more item songs but sans vulgarity. She teamed up with Salman Khan in the item song " Character Dheela". "I was offered a lot of item numbers but I wasn't really comfortable. 'Character Dheela' I would not call an item number because it was a fun song and I had Salman in it along with me. I knew nothing would go wrong," Zarine, who was here for the launch of skin care products, told. "I am open to such songs where there is no vulgarity or sleaziness," she added.

Open to item numbers, says Zarine Khan

The 23-year-old, who made her Bollywood debut with the 2010 film "Veer", is busy with new projects. "The first schedule of "Housefull 2" has been completed and now we are gearing up for the next schedule, which will start from next month. I am also doing a Tamil film titled 'Karikalan' with Vikram."

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