Amitabh Bachchan in a recent interview with a Radio channel expressed his delight and pride that the Indian Film Industry is not subjected to any kind of ‘Arakshan’ or reservation.
Thus, he holds that to be the biggest example of National unity and integrity. The actor also laid the example of theatre halls and ticket counters, which lay no bias on any minority or majority group.
Also people of all categories get the opportunity to enjoy the same movie at the same stand.
The actor’s upcoming film Aarakshan deals with the same topic that created a huge socio-political upheaval few years back and are still a burning question in the country.
The film is directed by Prakash Jha of Aphaharan and Rajneeti fame. It stars Saif Ali Khan, Manoj Bajpai, Deepika Padukone, Pratieik Babbar and Tanvi Azmi in pivotal roles. Amitabh plays the role of a dean of a private institution in the film.
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