Bhairavi Goswami, the actress who yesterday accused Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai Bachchan of having used a Thai IVF clinic to make sure she has a son, is desperately trying to back down from the claim.

Goswami posted on both Facebook and her own personal Twitter account (with a link to Facebook for the full post) a scathing putdown of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, saying that it was hypocritical of her husband (actor Abhishek Bachchan) to declare that he was hoping for a girl when in reality Aishwarya had gone to a fertility clinic in Bangkok to get IVF treatments which would help ensure that she had a boy.
At least that's what the gist of her post said; her writing style leaves quite a lot to be desired. Her original claim was:
"Nauseating 2 read superstars givg interviews abt wanting a girl baby whn she has gone 2 Bangkok to an IVF clinic which specializes in boy babies. Height of hypocrisy. They knw damn well its a boy, aftr all she has to produce a male heir at any cost - Typical UP mentality, no wonder that state has such high female foeticide"
Now in an interview with the Times of India Goswami is furiously scrambling away from her rumor mongering. She claims that other people have the log in information for her Facebook account and that she never wrote what was posted that, going so far as to claim that someone else must have written the accusations against Aishwarya Rai while she was out of her house.
She says "It was not posted on my personal account, which can be checked." Except is was posted to her personal account. While her Facebook account may be a fan page (which she claims, though the account itself explicitly declares itself not to be a fan page) she linked to it (and posted the first half of her accusation) on her personal Twitter account.
So which is it Bhairavi? Did you or didn't you write that Aishwarya Rai went to Bangkok for IVF treatments? This is looking more and more like a desperate second-rate starlet looking for a bit of attention. Well, she got some, and it's it's resulting in a world of hurt. She'll be lucky to ever get another job in Bollywood after viciously and hurtfully attacking the Bachchan family.

Goswami posted on both Facebook and her own personal Twitter account (with a link to Facebook for the full post) a scathing putdown of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, saying that it was hypocritical of her husband (actor Abhishek Bachchan) to declare that he was hoping for a girl when in reality Aishwarya had gone to a fertility clinic in Bangkok to get IVF treatments which would help ensure that she had a boy.
At least that's what the gist of her post said; her writing style leaves quite a lot to be desired. Her original claim was:
"Nauseating 2 read superstars givg interviews abt wanting a girl baby whn she has gone 2 Bangkok to an IVF clinic which specializes in boy babies. Height of hypocrisy. They knw damn well its a boy, aftr all she has to produce a male heir at any cost - Typical UP mentality, no wonder that state has such high female foeticide"
Now in an interview with the Times of India Goswami is furiously scrambling away from her rumor mongering. She claims that other people have the log in information for her Facebook account and that she never wrote what was posted that, going so far as to claim that someone else must have written the accusations against Aishwarya Rai while she was out of her house.
She says "It was not posted on my personal account, which can be checked." Except is was posted to her personal account. While her Facebook account may be a fan page (which she claims, though the account itself explicitly declares itself not to be a fan page) she linked to it (and posted the first half of her accusation) on her personal Twitter account.
So which is it Bhairavi? Did you or didn't you write that Aishwarya Rai went to Bangkok for IVF treatments? This is looking more and more like a desperate second-rate starlet looking for a bit of attention. Well, she got some, and it's it's resulting in a world of hurt. She'll be lucky to ever get another job in Bollywood after viciously and hurtfully attacking the Bachchan family.
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