Neha Dhupia has a Venezuelan beau?

Neha Dhupia has a Venezuelan beau?
It's the season of love in Bollywood, at least for actor Neha Dhupia. The former Miss India, who ended her relationship with squash player Ritwik Bhattacharya last year, is now reportedly dating Venezuelan eyecandy Jimmy.

Jimmy accompanied the Phas Gaye Re Obama star to IIFA as well. “How and where she met him is a mystery. But she is definitely in love with that man, who she was constantly with, in Toronto, last weekend,” a source told Mumbai Mirror.

Neha has apparently moved on and is quite happy with the new man in her life. “The interesting part is that Jimmy got along with many actors at the award ceremony. He is quite a charismatic, good-looking guy. Neha was looking very happy with Jimmy. They seem to suit each other perfectly,” added the source.

After dating Ritwik for more than 10 years, the actor called it quits. “Last year, they started quarrelling a lot over small matters and it ultimately made them resent each other,” explained the source. Will Neha be second time lucky in love? Time will tell!

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