Anushka Sharma has 5 partners in Mumbai and one of them is Ranvir Singh

Anushka Sharma has 5 partners in Mumbai and one of them is Ranvir Singh: Anushka Sharma who is the new discovery of the Yash Raj is in news from her first film but her second film with Ranveer got her stardom and now she is one of the most promising actors of the new generations.

Anushka Sharma has 5 partners in Mumbai and one of them is Ranvir Singh

After her super hit film Band Bajaa Barat with Ranvir Singh she became really good friends with him and there were even some sparks. Putting every gossip to rest this actress says that she only has five friends in Mumbai and that one of them is Ranveer Singh. That is all there is to Anushka’s and Ranveer’s relationship as per the beautiful actress.

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