Genelia Dsouza's As A Gully Cricketer!

UTV's 'Bindass', organised a promotional fun-filled Gully Cricket match where Genelia D’souza had taken a part in this light play event, along with the contestants of the popular reality show 'Sunsilk Big Switch'. In this sport event Siddartha and Mohita led the two teams respectively, performed well fighting out their sweats to win their prestigious UTV 'Sunsilk Bindass Big Switch' trophy.

Genelia Dsouza's As A Gully Cricketer!

Though Genelia kept the audience mesmerized, while the two teams took the event to an exciting note and over joyed the audience. The match between the six member from each team dreamers and rich kids turned the crowds nostalgic.
Genelia who seemed to have enjoyed the event, stated “The match has been a great experience & has only helped strengthen my bond with the Big Switch participants. It didn’t matter as to who won or lost the match, the agenda of further building my bond with the contestants of this innovative show has been met with this initiative”.

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