Salman Khan dosent like to see Katrina Kaif in short clothes

Salman is not watching Katrina's films from a long time, and there's a reason behind it. Salman doesn't like Katrina wearing sexy and small clothes in the films. Perhaps he doesn't even like to see other male stars romancing her onscreen.

Salman Khan dosent like to see Katrina Kaif in short clothes

Salman says, "Once I saw she was wearing a really small skirt in a movie and I didn't like it. It's better to stay away from those films. I never interfere in her work anymore, as she's grown up and has good scene of choice.I just watch the promos of Katrina's films and gets the idea of what the film is about."
Sources revealed that Katrina used to ask Salman to check out a couple of her scenes due her problem with dubbing but he has stopped it now, as he doesn't want to be labelled as an aggressive boyfriend .

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