Priyanka Chopra, Uday together in "Pyaar Impossible"


Priyanka Chopra and Uday Chopra will be seen together in Yash Raj banners 'Pyaar Impossible'. The movie is scheduled for release by the end of 2009. The movie is being directed by Jugal Hansraj. Interestingly, the movie is written and produced by Uday Chopra. The movie also stars Dino Morea. Uday plays the role of Abhay who is an awkward, bespectacled geek where Piggy Chops will play the role of Alisha, a stunning beauty.
Priyanka says, “Pyaar Impossible is about a geek – Abhay (Uday Chopra) and a beauty – Alisha (Priyanka Chopra) and how the two fall in love. Such things do happen in real life, I was a geek myself and when I was in the 8th standard I had a massive crush on a boy but I was so scared to admit it.” "Pyaar Impossible" is said to be inspired by the superhit Hollywood movie “Notting Hill”.

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