Mugdha Godse throw party of her 27 th bDay

Mugdha Godse throw party of her 27 th bDAY

Model cum Bollywood new comer Mugdha Godse in‘Fahsion’ looks gorgeous ass well as fetch many positive reviews from viewers side. On the sets of movie “Fashion” Mugdha and Priyanka Chopra become close friends as she is co-star in film.
Hence , when Priyanka was seen giggling and enjoying her self on Sunday on the celebration of Mugdha’s 27th birthday its not a-tall shocking . In the party she was with director Madhur Bhandarkar and her new co-star Neil Nitin Muskesh in ‘Jail’.It seems as both were enjoying each other’s company. Mugdha was in mood to drink and she really got drunk at the party.

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