Kareena Kapoor is now International demand. .

Kareena Kapoor is now International demand. .
After her popular Bebo Mein Bebo act in Kambakkht Ishq Kareena of Bollywood has been involved in international stage shows that were once a fixture every season. She has won a lot more admirers across continents and has prompted foreign show promoters to plan a string of stage shows revolving around her.
They have gotten in touch with local show organisers and have planned a three-stage world tour on US, Europe and South African shores according to our sources. And they have even chalked out a deal for Bebo that they feel she can’t refuse. If things work out, this will be the first time an Indian actress is doing a series of shows around the world. The only glitch is that Kareena has no dates and is busy through the next year. But the event organisers are hopeful that she’d make some time for them to spread some cheer in the industry and her fans.

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