Impatient Saif watches own film trial at 2 in the Night!

SaifOften a producer’s excitement at the first copy of his film coming out of the lab, is comparable to the experience of having a new born baby. The father may not exactly be present at the hospital, but he wastes no time in rushing to the hospital on hearing the news of his new born baby, to have a glimpse of it. Similarly, a producer may not be physically presented when his film’s first copy is being processed, but then, he rushes immediately to have a first dekko of his final print.
Bollywood’s latest actor turned producer Saif Ali Khan showed similar excitement however, he took his anxiety to an altogether different level. It so happens, that Saif and his Illuminati Films production partner Dinesh Vijan, after receiving the first final copy of the film, couldn’t resist watching it as soon they could. They immediately arranged a trial theater for the same and watched the film. Incidentally, it was 2 am in the morning when their show began.
So what was the final outcome after the show? “They were extremely overjoyed on watching it, as it fulfilled all their expectations.” our source reveals.

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