Forgotten Hotties - Raveena Tandon

Forgotten Hotties - Raveena Tandon

Raveena Tandon was arguably the "Mast Cheez" among the Bollywood sirens of the 1990s. She made her mark in both commercial and arthouse movies. Raveena, who made an impressive debut with 'Pathar Ke Phool' (she got her the "Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut" in 1991), became a superstar in Bollywood with 'Mohra', in which she and Akshay Kumar danced to the super hit song.
"Tu cheez badi he masth masth...". Raveena peaked during the later half of the 1990s, and won a National Award for the Best Actress in 2001, for her performance in Kalpana Lajmi's 'Daaman'.Here are a few pictures of the ravishing Raveena, who is planning a comeback!

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